Wednesday, July 7, 2010


To be honest, I am blogging in response to a challenge. When someone thinks you are too chicken to try something, you leap in headfirst, right?

Two years ago, life delivered me the big boot. I was booted out of corporate America, booted out of a fledgling relationship, and even my thirty-something year-old body decided to quit having babies before it even started. (Yes, I'm a woman.) So after moping and crying, I picked myself up and began looking in the nooks and crannies of life. For what, you might ask? For identity, for self, for lost memories, for all the things you loved and forgotten about, all the things you think about in those dark unholy hours that you only admit to yourself. Dreams are so cliche. Think of yearnings, of all those gems you gravitate towards without even realizing...

What did I find? Among other things, people are amusing. Life is amusing. So this is my "musings" on amusements...